Dec 25, 2012

Jobs Available Online

In the past, applying for a job meant looking through the classified ads in the local paper. The advent of the internet has created various job sites online making it easier for someone to apply for work in another state and in even in another country.

It has made the world a smaller place with everything at one’s fingertip and just a click away.  Most job sites will require a person to open an account, fill in certain information and deposit a resume. 

These sites usually ask for pertinent information such as the person’s name, age, address, contact number and social security number. 

Other information that will be requested are educational background.  Some companies prefer someone with a degree in a certain field or a licensed professional to do the job or perhaps a person who possesses a master’s degree.

Employment history is also another thing that has to be mentioned. This includes the job description and highlights that you have experienced during your career. 

With the information provided, some of these sites offer a service with a fee that will match your qualifications with jobs that are available and enable you to apply for that position.  Some even promise to make your resume stand out over other applicants giving that person more priority over others but even that is a not a guarantee that one will get the job.

One also has to mention the salary the person is receiving both in the current and previous jobs as this is matched with the job the individual wants and the salary one desires.

These sites offer various jobs to people. It caters to professionals and teenagers who want to work either for full time, part time or on a per project basis.

Applying online is not only done through job sites. A lot of companies have websites that have a section on careers which one can access and check what openings are available. One simply has to go through the process of also giving certain information that is asked for and uploading one’s resume.

The first impression employers or headhunters look at is one’s resume. Given that many people apply, this usually takes these people a short period of time to review and screen certain applicants before going to the next phase of being scheduled and called for an interview.

There are many jobs available in the market.  It just takes a little effort on one’s part to sit down in front of a computer and look for the right job. 

Dec 19, 2012

How to Create a List of Warm Contacts

How to Create a List of Warm Contacts?
Usually when you are looking for a job, you would ask for help from family and friends.  You would contact these people to ask for information on current job openings, business opportunities and tips.

Your family, relatives and friends belong to your warm contact list.  The warm contact list is the list of people with whom you have or had some personal association.  A former classmate, officemate or neighbor may belong to your warm contact list.

Who may be included in your warm contact list?  Here are a number of selections.

* Relatives and Friends
These people are always willing to help you in your job search or business venture.  They will be able to provide you information if they have some, or refer you to trustworthy people who will be able to help you.  If they will introduce you to some of their contacts, they can surely provide honest information to you regarding the person you are going to associate with.

* People who sell you things
You may think that your relationship with these people is purely based on trading goods and services, then paying for them.  However, people who sell you things are also sources of information when networking.

Since these people sell their goods to different types of persons, they may have associated with somebody who belongs to the same field as you do, or have heard information about your target job from their other clients.

These people will also be happy to help you, since they know that maintaining a pleasant relationship with you means a stable business.  Also, if you have a good job means you have increased your purchasing power, and then it could also mean that you may purchase more from them.

* Former employers, colleagues or co-workers
Maintaining a good relationship with previous employers and colleagues has more benefits than you can imagine.  This is the reason that most people try their best to iron out any difficulties with their previous employers even if they are no longer associated with the company.  Aside from the possibility that your potential employer will call previous employers when they review your job history, former employers and colleagues are also a good source of information related to that field.

When you ask for help from family and friends, there is the possibility that the information that they can give to you is just from another source.  They may not be able to give you first-hand information or detailed information unless they also work in the same field that you came from or would like to go into.

This is very different when you consult former employers and colleagues from the same sector.  They will be able to provide you with valuable information and may be able to clarify such information and answer you questions.

* Members of your professional organization
If you belong to a professional organization related to the field in which you are looking for a job, you can consult the organization for current posting from the members.  If you don't belong to any, consider joining one since this will be beneficial to you career growth.

A professional organization can provide you unbiased information on current job openings from its members.  The organization can also give you details on the company profile and even on current market and career trends.

These are the most important people that you should include when creating a list of your warm contacts.  It is better if you contact them all so you can have as many options in your job search.  When you talk to them, tell them that you are actively seeking a job.

Dec 18, 2012

Most wanted job skills

In today’s competitive life, employers are more inclined to find people who can contribute to the growth of the company and not just boost its productivity.

Hence, most employers tend to look for people who are endowed with the most desirable job skills in order to match the expectations and necessities of the company.

Therefore, for people who wish to make it to the jobs that they have long been dreaming of, it is important to know the most sought after job skills of most employers.

Here’s a list of the important job skills a job seeker must have in order to land a good job and keep it.

1. The ability to research
Job seekers should possess the ability to research not because they wanted to land a job in a research company but in order to do simple searches on the data needed by a particular activity.

2. Logical thinking
Most employers need people who are able to produce effective solutions and to make sensible solutions regarding a proposal or a probable activity.

3. Technologically literate
With the advent of information technology, most job openings require people who are computer literate or know how to operate different machines and office equipments.
Most employers do not necessarily need people who are technological graduates. The simple fact that job seekers know the basic principles of technology is already enough.

4. Communication skills
People who are able to land a good job are mostly those who are adept in speaking and writing. Employers hire people who are able to express their thoughts efficiently through verbal and written communications.

5. Organizational skills
No employer would like to hire somebody who is disorganized. Organization is extremely important to maintain a harmonious working relationship in the company. Hence, most employers find people who know how to arrange scheme and methods that would maintain the orderliness in the area.

6. Interpersonal skills
Because the working environment consists of various kinds of personalities, it is necessary, therefore, to acquire the skill to communicate to people form different walks of life.

7. Professional Growth
Employers hire people who are able to create a plan that will generate personal career growth. This means that the person is willing to improve him or herself professionally by learning new things he or she still does not know.

These are just some of the most wanted job skills by most employers. Hence, it is important for the job seekers to take note of these assets in order to be successful in every endeavor they make.

The Job Interview

The second step in getting a job is having an interview with a potential employer. The first step was sending your application and after careful review by the company, you are seen as candidate for the vacant position. 
The employer got this information through an ad that was placed in the paper, referred by someone in the company or a headhunter, or by a person who simply submitted an application via the company’s website.

The first impression employers always look at is your resume. Given the many that apply, this usually takes about 30 seconds and so with the limited words, one must be sure that the resume is well written and grammatically correct. 

During the interview, most employers want to know more about person since the resume only gives certain information such as the person’s name, age, address, contact number,  social security number, past and current employment.

The employer will likely ask about the experiences, lessons and accomplishments one has done and learned working for another employer. This will usually include how the person handled a situation in the company, the challenges of the job and the relationship with coworkers.

Another question will be the relationship between the applicant and family members. This shows character with how the person interacts with people who are close and those that know the person for a long time.

The employer will usually ask why the person applied in the company and where you would like to be in 5 to 10 years. Long term questions such as this will show if there is dedication for the job at hand and if the company can provide something beneficial for both the applicant and the employer.

Companies follow a certain budget in hiring qualified personnel which is why the interviewer will ask how much one desires to get for the job. If what is being asked is too high, the employer will usually ask if the salary is open to negotiation.

After the employer asks questions, room is usually given for the applicant to ask questions in return. This is the best time to know a little bit more the company one might be working in and to get a feel of the potential company. 

If there are no more questions, the interviewer will then end the meeting and call the applicant back if the person has passed the initial interview so that the next phase of the application process can begin.

Best Jobs

Employers have said that they are more likely to be 12 percent more graduates this year than last year. It is the first projected increase since the year 2000.

In another study, a projected 60 percent of US business plan to employ the same number of graduates this year as with last year. That is an increase of fifty-five percent from last year.

According to recent studies, US Corporations and businesses will employ more graduates with a bachelor’s degree in business, biological and physical sciences. Those with construction management, engineering degrees, health care and accounting will also experience an increase in hiring. Other fields will have a slight decline.

On the average, companies are hiring forty three percent of its interns to fulltime and regular status. The expected increase in the hiring of graduates coincides with an expected growth forecast of the economy next year according to a recent survey by the Federal Reserve Bank.

A lot of companies are coming out of a slump and are now hiring their interns and looking for more. A lot of companies are posting jobs and coming into different campuses.

Most experts advise that during the holidays, whether you’re looking for permanent employment or internship, it is time to step up your search.

Take advantage of the holiday events you’re going to, discuss what you’re looking for and your goals. Businesses don’t want to be flooded with calls and faxes of resumes. They will probably rely on word-of-mouth to get a handful of candidates The holidays are a perfect time to network.

What to expect:

Companies will hire more students earning bachelor’s degree in business and management, physical and biological sciences. Engineering, health care and accounting degrees also would experience an increase. Other degrees will experience a decrease in hiring

Businesses expect to employ about the same volume of MBAs this year as last year. Businesses have found employees with bachelor's degrees being able to do some work being done by MBAs.

It will be harder for graduates with computer science degrees to find work.

Companies are more likely to employ students who have undergone internships. The work experience, they say, makes a lot of difference. Federal agencies will employ more graduates but not nearly enough to offset the decrease in hiring by the state and local government agencies.

On average, starting salaries will increase by 1 to 2 percent.

How to Make the Best Out of Job Fairs

Finding a job is such a daunting task. Here, there, and everywhere, job seekers tend to look for the best means in order to find the best jobs.

However, most of them are predisposed to neglect job fairs. This is because many job seekers get annoyed with the jam-packed, full of activity, and baffling series of events. Nevertheless, they are still the best place to land a job.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the United States, the employment status is likely to boost by 15%. That is why job fairs are the best places to find a job because many companies will be participating in the event.

Job fairs are not really that bustling. The important thing is to obtain the necessary requirements needed in job applications and the rest, as they say, is history.

Here are some of the things that a job seeker must have by the time he or she is at the job fair in order to make the most out of it:

1. Advance research can be very helpful.
Most job seekers aim to find the best employment possible. Hence, it is important to do some advance research before going to a job fair.

Usually, the organizers of this event will post the companies that will participate on the job fair. Obtaining some information about the companies and the position that is open for the job would be an edge over the others.

2. Job seekers should have enough resumes.
It would be better if job seekers have enough resumes, at least 25, before going to the job fair. In this way, the applicant will be able to provide resumes to all of the potential employers in the job fair. The more applications you deliver the better chances of landing a job.

3. Job seekers should know how important it is to dress for the occasion
As they say, first impressions last. Hence, in order to cut above the rest of job seekers, an individual should learn how to impress his or her future employer by dressing for the best. It should project a professional outlook, enthusiasm, and the determination to get the job that he or she really wants.

4. Job seekers should be prepared for some on-the-spot interviews.

5. An applicant should have a list of the companies where he or she had given his or her resume.

Knowing these things can be very helpful especially if it is the applicants first time in a job fair. Hence, people should be more aware of the benefits they can derive from job fairs alone.

Dec 14, 2012

Your job is to find a job !!

Are you a fresh graduate and planning to look for a job? Did you just recently quit your job and are looking for greener pastures? Are you unemployed and have little experience regarding ways to secure a job? Whatever your situation may be, it would be to your advantage to study the following tips:

Check your resume for mistakes
Before submitting your resume to a prospective employer, check your resume for corrections at least three times before handing it over. After researching about the job position, it is critical that you format your resume to match the needs of the company. For example, if you are applying for an accounting job, you

should put in detail your accounting experience on your resume. Typographical and grammatical errors are serious no-no's. It is also ideal to keep the length of the resume' to at least a page and a half long. 

Taking the interview challenge
A survey conducted by a staffing and consulting firm based in California which corresponded with 1,400 chief financial officers concluded that candidates for employment made most of their mistakes on their interviews. Some of the mistakes they made include: arriving late, having little knowledge about the company and the position applied for, and having a superiority complex and behaving arrogantly. The body language of the applicant must also denote that he is confident yet not overpowering. He must maintain eye contact, have a strong handshake, and avoid looking defensive by the act of crossing the arms. Wearing the right clothes is crucial for projecting a confident stance. As they say, it is better to go to an interview over-dressed than being under-dressed.

Answer questions smartly
A common mistake of interviewees is that they tend to get tense and forget the questions that are given to them, which has the effect that they are not prepared for the interview. It is important to research about the company and the position applied for to prevent being side-tracked during the interview. If you do not know the answer to the questions being asked, it is better to admit you don't know the answer to the question and add that you can research about it. Look for the skills or expertise that the company is looking for so that when interview day comes and the interviewer asks about your strengths and core competencies, you will be able to match it to what they need.

Getting the necessary referrals
Having a referral from one of the company employees can go a long way toward landing an interview.  A typical company may receive job applications in the hundreds and usually 35% to 60% of all job vacancies are filled by referrals. The odds of getting hired when you have a referral are very high if you have another 200 to 500 applicants vying for the same position. If you do not know anyone from the company that may give you a referral, it is a good idea to the alumni network of your college, trade groups, social networks, and professional associations. Remember, having a referral greatly increases your chances of getting the position.

Complete your sentences and do not abbreviate.
Employers do not like when you send them application letters that seem to be too casual. It is important to make a letter that is both formal and well written. This gives a good impression regarding your capabilities and skills.

Get directly to the point
When writing an application letter, you must be concise and straightforward. Do not put a story on the letter just to get the attention of the employer, chances are he or she will just get irritated with you and this only reduces your chances of getting hired.  

Consider potential issues that may hinder you from getting the job
Although there are instances wherein there is a lot of need for a job but the requirements for the position may entail training programs that may bar you from getting the position due to its highly competitive nature. Some require a lot of experian even at least 3 years of work experience. Some may have no barriers to entry but the job itself may entail a very routine work flow.

Getting the job you want may be a challenge but never lose hope. It is better to wait a while and get the job that you will enjoy rather than get a job as soon as possible but ending up dissatisfied and unhappy. Make the right decision then act on it.   

Dec 13, 2012

Looking for the Job that is right for you

Finding the best job that suits your personality and your lifestyle is never easy.  It’s actually a full time job itself.  To better understand your needs and increase your chance of succeeding in your chosen field, you need to conduct a personal evaluation.  Is this the career you want?  Is there room for growth?  Are the salary and benefits good?

You can’t really evaluate a position unless you do the research.  From a recent survey in the U.S., graduate degree holders earn an average of 35 to 50 percent more than just bachelor’s degree holders.  This is a reason why more and more are taking their Masters.  There could be an offer or two, all you have to do is make a concrete decision to ensure the right job for you in the present job market.

Know what you want

Knowing what kind of personality you have and your interests gives you an idea how you would like to spend your day on a job.  The activities you’d like to get involved in plays a great role in keeping you motivated.  You could make a list of the kinds of people you would like to be working with.  Say, people who like being told what to do or authoritative types; how about loud people or quiet types; and would you like a place where people love socializing or not?  There are different sizes of companies as well, there are small, medium, large, overseas, local, and regional.

The Internet is a valuable tool that assists online job seekers in looking for a job they could fit in.  Trim down the choices depending on your needs and wants to get the more possible pool of companies you can try submitting resumes.

Below are the common job search techniques:

The common job search techniques
*Percentage results obtained from dividing the technique by the total number of job hunters who tried to use the method, successful or not.

Your major strengths and weaknesses will help indicate how well you will perform in the work you have chosen.  Your progress dictates your maturity and enthusiasm at work.  Finding the best job for you is a full time job itself.  It requires time and passion to get positive results.  No matter what you choose, it should always be a place where you can identify yourself and remain happy.  

The Curriculum Vitae is the first step

Hunting for jobs nowadays is a very competitive and sometimes cut-throat affair. Here are a few tips to help you get the edge in searching out and landing the job of your dreams.

The Curriculum Vitae
The CV is the first, and at most times the most important part of applying for a job. Since potential employers have to whittle down practically hundreds of applications to a few valid ones, they will have to base their narrowing down efforts using the CVs they have collected. 

Studies have shown that about half of the employers decide to accept or reject job applications based on the related work experience listed in the CV. A third of the employers decide to reject or accept these job applications based on the layout design of these applications. 

1. Make Your CV Stand Out 
When preparing your CV, make sure your CV stands out among the rest. It should be the type that is appealing to the eyes, making the evaluating personnel want to read the CV. Step two is for you to make sure your CV lists the related work experience you have had in relation to the job you are applying for.

2. Make Your CV Concise and Relevant
Avoid making your CVs too long. It may make it irrelevant to the evaluator. Remember that the employer is a person to whom time is important. If your CV shows that you value his/her time while showing the most relevant information in the least amount of time, you will have won one important battle.

3. Always tailor your CV to the job. 
You may have had previous experience that may not be related to the job you are applying for. Some people keep many different versions of their CV for different job opening purposes. Make sure your CV is appropriate for the job. A one-size-fits-all CV may not be the best way to go since the employer will have the impression that your previous efforts have not been focused enough to produce any specialization on your part.

4. Write about your achievements
You may add your achievements, but make your statements factual and relevant. It does not do harm to advertise yourself, but make your advertisement matter-of-fact and not just hot air. You may want to skip on listing your weak points as the CV is not the avenue for such discussions.

5. Polish Your CV
Your employer will know if you have put enough time producing your CV. If he/she sees that you have put sufficient and thorough effort into your CV, he/she will assume that you will do the same in your work. This is a big plus for you. It is not uncommon for some people to spend days or even weeks polishing and buffing their CVs.

Stress-free Job Hunting Guide

Hunting for the perfect job for an individual requires time, effort and knowledge.

 For stress free job-hunting, every individual must first consider the following pointers before starting your job hunting process:

 1. Know what type of job you would like to apply for. Gate crashing job fairs that offer work not related to one's degree or work preference would be a waste of time.

 Consider your interests, preference of work location and job shifts (to be especially considered by professionals who have family members to take care of). If all these fit the category of the job opening available, it would be best to proceed with the application process.

 2. Prepare possible needed documents or career portfolio. Have several copies of your resume, transcript of records and any certifications ready for immediate submission if needed.

 3. Know where to look for job postings. There are various forms that offer listing of jobs. Below are some of these sites:
 3.1 Internet. One of most widely used searching options is the Internet. Aside from the fact that browsing the Internet for available jobs is less time consuming than personal appearances to inquire at the offices, this can also be the least expensive form of job hunting.

 You would not need to buy newspapers to browse through the ads for vacancies nor spend gas money to go to the offices. Not only local or national vacancies can be browsed through the net, international job openings could likewise be easily accessed by the user, thus, offering one a much wider perspective in choosing the right job.

 3.2 Newspapers. One of the most commonly used searching medium. Local newspapers advertise jobs that are within an applicant's commuting distance. Available jobs are usually printed on a regular basis.

 3.3 Career or Job Centers. These usually offer jobs for ages 16-18 and rarely above 21 years of age. Though fully loaded with vacancies, it caters mostly to the younger applicants.

 Job listings are frequently updated; therefore regular visits would ensure the applicants of new job postings.

 3.4 Periodicals or magazines. Professionals are best advised to look for jobs on magazines since employers that would want to hire the same would advertise on such journals.

 3.5 Offices. Most offices have postings of job openings on their Vacancy Boards. Applicants may directly go to the office to look for vacancies and then directly submit the resume or other pertinent documents to the respective division that receives such documents.